Rules for the establishment of Records
Rules for the Diddy League
Entry pack for 2018 Cumbria Winter Meet (not available yet)
Trophy Holders: 1. Life Vice Presidents Trophy
2. Cumbria Trophy
3. Tommy Hatch Trophy
4. Diddy League
Record Holders at 31st December 2017:
2. County – Short Course
3. Age Group – SC and LC
4. Masters
2017 Results: 1. Age Group winners
2. Tommy Hatch Trophy & Cumbria Trophy Points
3. Championship Results
4. Diddy League
Programme of Events for 2018
Swimming Officials
The Wendy Burrell Trophy
After Wendy’s return from Mexico Colin Dobson editor of Cumberland Newspapers established the Wendy Burrell trophy. A panel of judges was invited by the editor to assess annually the greatest achievement by a swimmer under the age of 21 in Cumberland. (Later this was extended to include Westmorland.)
Wendy was the first winner of the trophy for 1968 and was presented with the trophy in January 1969 and again in 1971 for her performances in the 1970 European Championships. The trophy was presented for several more years and it seems to have been repurposed by Cumberland Newspapers in 1980. After that the trophy disappeared from view until it was rediscovered over 40 years later during the clearance of the James Street pool in Carlisle. It has now been restored following the decision by Cumbria ASA to reintroduce the trophy. Wendy made the initial presentation to the 2024 County Championships top swimmer - Amber Rigg of Cockermouth SC.
Wendy has handed back to the county a silver salver which she had been presented with in 1971 by Cumberland and Westmorland Swimming Association in recognition of holding all 10 Ladies County records for all the strokes at 100 and 220 yards and the 4x100 yards Ifour of which were faster than the men’s records !
Wendy Burrell, a remarkable lady and swimming champion.