About Us
The Cumberland and Westmorland Swimming Association was formed in 1923. The Association is now called Cumbria Amateur Swimming Association to correspond with the name of the ceremonial county of Cumbria that was formed in 1974.
Cumbria ASA is affiliated to the Swim England North West Limited (SENWL) and the Executive Committee is responsible for managing aquatic sport within the county in accordance with the Constitution. All aquatic clubs in the county are required to affiliate to SENWL and to Cumbria ASA.
In early 2023 Swim England introduced the "County Governance Code" that all affiliated counties were required to implement. After a considerable amount of work, Cumbria ASA has gained recognition from Swim England that our processes and policies meet the required standards and we have been awarded a certificate of compliance. This will be subject to annual review.

Sport England requires that all organisations (including Swim England) in receipt of funding from Sport England and/or UK Sport complies with their Code for Sports Governance. Swim England have cascaded the principles of this Code down to the regions and the counties in order to embed a culture of good governance in all of Swim England's affiliated bodies.
The county governance code is based on five elements of good governance and all counties have to demonstrate, by providing appropriate evidence, that they comply with each of the following elements in order to receive certification:
1. Governance
- County Constitution detailing committee structure
- Evidence of AGM minutes including financial, chairperson and head coach reports to members
- Annual Chair's compliance statement to Swim England regarding policies and regulations
2. Welfare
- Annual County Welfare Officer statement of compliance with Wavepower 2020-23 policies.
3. Equality and Diversity
- County Equality and Diversity plan
4. Health and Safety
- Risk assessments available for:
- Pool activity (county training, attendance at competition)
- Travel (travel to competition)
- Non pool based activity (land training, social event, online activity etc) - Risk register
5. Workforce
- Personnel Report of ALL of the county workforce (for Coaches, Technical Officials Coordinator, Governance roles including County executive, Welfare Officer, Competition positions including team managers, Support positions) to include:
- In date DBS and Approved Safeguarding for all eligible roles
- Minimum qualification for the role being undertaken as per the SE Personnel Report Role Descriptor Guidance
Items for publication of the county's website or Facebook account should be sent to:
Website administrator - Keith Chisholm keithchisholm@gmail.com
Social media administrator - Mark Ralph markrswim@gmail.com
Concerns regarding content on social media should be directed to Mark Ralph and/or AndyGallagher (County Welfare Officer) welfare@swimcumbria.org.uk