Change of rule is noted by • in the margin. Underscore indicates actual change where appropriate.
1.1 To provide the opportunity for swimmers to achieve National Qualifying Times in licensed meets in Cumbria.
1.2 To provide competitive swimming for 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 year olds and 16 years and over in a combined Championships and Age Group format within the county of Cumbria.
1.3 To find the best swimmers for each stroke in each Age Group noted above and the overall best Men and Junior Men, Women and Junior Women swimmers in the County each year.
1.4 To present the ‘Tommy Hatch Trophy’ to the club accruing most points in the Age Group Competition.
1.5 To allocate Swimming Championships points towards the presentation of the ‘Cumbria Trophy’.
2.1 The Championships will comprise an appropriate number of galas of individual events plus an Age Group team gala and a Championship team gala.
2.2 All events will be held within the ASA Calendar Plan for licensed meets, that is, weeks 6 to 13.
2.3 The Association will allocate gala sessions and member clubs will provide organisational support to the Gala MC.
2.4 ‘Tommy Hatch Trophy’ points will accrue for the 9 year to 16 years and over Age Groups in individual events and for 9/10 year, 11/12 year, 13/14 year, and 15/16 year Age Groups in relay events.
2.5 ‘Cumbria Trophy’ points will accrue from Championship events.
2.6 The competition will be held in pools of at least 25m length with at least 6 lanes.
3.1 Championships and Competitions shall be open to all ASA registered members of Clubs affiliated to the Association who have resided in the County of Cumbria from January 1st in the year of Competition or who were born in the County of Cumbria.
3.2 A dispensation may be granted, on an individual basis, by the Executive Committee to members of clubs affiliated to the Association who live outside the county boundary. This will depend upon individual circumstances. Applications for dispensation shall be in writing and shall reach the Secretary prior to the first executive meeting of the calendar year so that they shall be included in the agenda.
3.3 Entries to individual events and relays shall reach the competition organiser on a date to be decided annually by the Executive Committee but no later than 28 days before the date of the first gala accompanied by the appropriate fee. Late, poolside, or improved entries will not be accepted.
3.4 Competitors must be ‘Eligible Swimmers’ as defined by ASA Law and nationally registered members of the club represented. This shall be the club with the longest unbroken membership on the closing date of the competition.
3.5 The fastest swimmers in the heats of Championship events will qualify for Championships finals.
3.6 Finalists and reserve finalists (individuals and teams) shall declare to the recorders, after the posting of the results or notification that the event would be swum as a final, if they intend to withdraw from the event. Failure to do so will result in suspension from future events in the current Championships.
3.7 Ages will be as at midnight on the last day of the competition.
4.1 Competitors shall score points which shall accrue to clubs of which the participants have been in longest unbroken membership on the closing date for entries to the competition.
4.2 Swimmers who resign from a club after the closing date shall continue to represent that club for the purposes of scoring trophy points. An exception to this rule may be applied for swimmers in relay teams providing the participants have not entered any individual events
4.3 Points will be awarded 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for the final of each individual and team Age Group swimming event towards the ‘Tommy Hatch Trophy’.
4.4 Points will be awarded 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for the final of each Open age and Junior Mens and Womens individual and team swimming events towards the ‘Cumbria Trophy’.
4.5 The 800m and 1500m freestyle events are designated as being County Championship events only.
4.6 In the event of dead heats or equal positions the points for the two or more positions affected shall be shared between the teams involved.
5.1 Trophies shall be presented to the winners of Championships. A trophy winner shall sign for its receipt and the winner' s Club shall be responsible for the cost of engraving it appropriately, maintaining it and returning it the following year to the Championship Secretary prior to the staging of the event.
5.2 The ‘Cumbria Trophy’ will be competed for annually and will be awarded to the Club gaining the most points in Swimming, Water Polo and Synchronised Swimming Championships.
5.3 The ‘Tommy Hatch Trophy’ will be competed for annually and will be awarded to the Club gaining the most points in the Cumbria Association Age Group Competitions.
5.4 In the event of a tie, the trophy will be held jointly.
6.1 A management team will be allowed on poolside with each team. The maximum number of management team members per team is as follows:
Team Numbers Number of management team members permitted
Up to 32 4
33 to 40 5
41 to 48 6
No more than one of which shall be placed at each end of the lane.
7.1 The Championships Secretary shall appoint the officials as required by ASA Law.
7.2 The host club shall be responsible for the appointment of check rope stewards, competitors stewards and an announcer.
7.3 The host club shall be responsible for the appointment of a chief warm-up steward who shall be experienced members of a club affiliated to Cumbria ASA. The stewards shall be responsible for the application of local rules on pool safety, and lifeguarding. Competing clubs shall be responsible for the supervision of their swimmers during the warm-up period.
8.1 All galas will start promptly at the times notified by the Age Group Secretary. A session shall not start before the stated time without the consent of all the competitors.
9.1 Each swimmer and club shall be responsible for its own expenses in attending galas.
9.2 Cumbria ASA shall reimburse the Age Group and Championship Secretaries, or their deputies, necessary expenses incurred in administering the competition.
9.3 Cumbria ASA is responsible for the cost of pool hire.
9.4 The admission charge for spectators attending galas shall include the price of a programme and shall be determined annually at the Annual General Meeting of Cumbria ASA.
9.5 All monies received by the host clubs in respect of spectator entrance and raffles are the property of Cumbria ASA and must be sent to the County Treasurer together with a statement of account of the gala, within 7 days of the competition.
10.1 The Age Group Secretary will provide a result service to clubs on a gala basis.
10.2 The running total of points accruing towards the ‘Tommy Hatch Trophy’ and the ‘Cumbria Trophy’ will be announced at the end of each gala and prior to the start of the subsequent gala.